
Enrollment: To enroll in AUA Extension courses, please go through the following steps:

  • Visit im.aua.am.
  • Create an account by clicking New User Registration.
  • If you are not a new user and already have an AUA account (having previously taken the AUA e-Math Test or applied to AUA), you should log into the account that you had created at that time.
  • If you just registered as a new user, you will get an email asking to activate your account.
  • Now, for registering to take a course, go to the Extension tab, choose Adults (17+)New Application, then Start My Application, and apply for the course(s) you choose.
  • After you register online, your application will be reviewed and you will receive an email acknowledging your application.
  • Closer to the course start date, you will receive another email confirming your enrollment, requesting that you make payment before the course start date. The fee can be paid online via credit card. Alternatively, you may pay the fee via bank transfer to the American University of Armenia Fund, account 1570001024240100, Ameria Bank CJSC.
    In the purpose field, please indicate the Bank Transfer Description found under the Financial → Invoice tab (this is what that looks like: 043020102 Surname Name)
  • The completed application together with the record of payment completes your enrollment.

Extension Open account + Course Registration