Agile Fundamentals and Mindset

Currently Open Education doesn’t offer this course. Please follow our website and social media pages for updates

About the course:

This course is aimed to develop an Agile mindset for students.
It provides theoretical knowledge to understand the philosophy and practical skills in implementation of real-world projects by:

  • Introducing the agile philosophy
  • Developing a mindset (being agile)
  • Growing skills to use agile practices (doing agile)
  • Explaining the dangers of toxic agile
  • Describing all possible threats

Learning objectives:

At the end of the course, participants will have a clear understanding about:

  • The perfect timing and condition to use Agile
  • Agile methodologies, their differences and similarities as well as their strengths and weaknesses. This will give the opportunity to choose the right methodology
  • Value assessment and prioritization
  • Principles of incremental delivery which will allow to follow the product’s pivoting path and eliminate the risk of building unnecessary products or features
  • Stakeholder management in the Agile environment
  • Agile team building, team performance tracking, ability to optimize the team’s velocity
  • Understanding of Adaptive planning and dispel the myth that agile management does not require planning

Who should attend this course?

  • Project and program managers, to provide them with agile skills that are proven as one of the most efficient management strategies,
  • Project associates who would like to develop their career as agile practitioners
  • Professionals in variety of fields, who would like to become managers or team leaders

Follow the website and Open Education social media pages for the updates

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