Vayots Dzor

Vayots Dzor
Area: 2,308 km²
Population: 59,871
Capital: Yeghegnadzor
Unemployment: 2.18 %
Per Capita GDP: 1,400,681 AMD
GDP change 2015-2017: 1.2%

AUA Offices

AUA Open Education Yeghegnadzor
Office hours: 09:00-18:00
Address: 5 Momoik St.
Phone: 091 218114
Email: [email protected]


Regional public administration
Workforce development and education.


INDUSTRIES: Wine, dried fruit, mineral water and cheese production.

NGO: 31

EDUCATION: 48 schools

NATURAL RESOURCES: Jermuk Mineral Water, Unique flora and Fauna with rich biodiversity, mines (stones, gold)

DESTINATIONS: Areni-1 cave complex and Areni-1 winery of the Chalcolithic period, the 8th-century Tanahat Monastery, the 10th-century Smbataberd fortress, and the 13th-century Noravank monastery. Vayots Dzor is also home to the spa-town of Jermuk.


STRENGTHS: High potential of development in tourism and agriculture sectors especially in winemaking and natural spa industries.

WEAKNESS: Socially vulnerable families and lack of employability.

OPPORTUNITIES: Wine and ecotourism.

THREATS: Sparsely populated bordering villages and out migration of educated young population.