AUA Extension Policies

Dear AUA Extension Student,

WELCOME to AUA Extension! AUA Extension is the non-degree arm of the American University of Armenia (AUA), offering certificate programs, courses and workshops especially designed to meet the educational needs of individuals from diverse backgrounds, occupations, and professional pursuits. Extension works closely with governmental organizations and corporate entities to identify the specific training areas that must be met. To address the identified knowledge gaps and needs, AUA Extension designs and develops a wide range of courses, including language classes, test preparation, and professional development courses.  Through its regional centers across Armenia, AUA Extension brings a rich learning curriculum to local residents for them to thrive and aptly contribute to the development of their communities. Additionally, AUA Extension provides testing services on behalf of various international standardized tests for college admission and professional certification.

We wish you the best AUA educational experience and a very bright future!

Enrollment – Students can register for AUA Extension courses online at To enroll in AUA Extension courses, please follow the instructions found in

Level Change – Students enrolled in General English courses may petition the AUA Extension Administration to change their level (up or down one level) no later than the end of the second session. Prior to reaching a decision, AUA Extension will solicit the instructor’s recommendation and take additional measures, if needed, to verify the student’s level.

Enrollment Cancellation and withdrawal – Registered students may cancel their enrollment and receive a refund for the amount of paid fees, less the non-refundable processing fee of 5,000 AMD, provided the request to withdraw is made no later than the close of the second session. If the request to withdraw is made after that date, students will forfeit the full amount of paid fees. In exceptional cases, students may petition the Director of AUA Extension, in writing, explaining the particular circumstance surrounding their wish to withdraw, which may warrant reconsideration of the refund. If approved, the student will receive equivalent credit against AUA Extension courses offered within three months of the withdrawal. 

Placement Test – AUA Placement test participants who have registered but are unable to take the test on the assigned day and time or test takers who have  paid twice for the same test will forfeit the 2,100 AMD test fee. Considering that the refund processing cost far exceeds the amount of the refund itself, AUA Extension will not process refunds and encourages test takers to take extra care to avoid double payments of the placement test.

Discounts – 10% discount is granted to:

  1. AUA alumni taking AUA Extension courses
  2. AUA Extension Students who have taken one or more courses


Regional programs are not eligible for discounts as they receive additional funding.

Good Standing –  Most AUA Extension courses are assessed as Pass/Fail. Some courses are graded, for which the passing grade is 70%. Certificates of Completion are provided only to those who earn a passing grade of 70% and above.

In the event that participants fail to earn 70%, they will not be awarded a certificate and they will not be able to move up to the next level (for continuing courses).  In this situation, a student in General English may choose to repeat the same course and receives a 10% discount, with no placement test retake requirement. 

Attendance – Enrolled students should make every effort not to miss class. In the event that a student’s attendance falls below 85% of classes held, the student will be deprived of getting the Certificate attesting completion of that course.

ID Cards – Once students are enrolled in a course, they will receive individual ID cards. They must show this card every time they enter AUA. The card will serve as proof of enrollment at AUA. The ID card also allows students to use the AUA Papazian library. Students must return their ID cards on the last day of class or immediately thereafter. Students can obtain their certificates only after returning their ID cards or paying the 1,000 AMD fee for lost or damaged cards.

Class Make-up – All holidays falling within a course cycle will be made up. The make-up day will be determined by consensus.

Class Duration and Breaks – At AUA Extension a class hour equals 60 minutes, including a 10-minute break. The timing of the break is flexible and determined collectively by the instructor and students.

Schedules and Class Logistics – The schedule of classes and classroom designation are within the purview of AUA Extension. Instructors and students are asked not to change or request changes pertaining to class time or room except under extenuating circumstances. Students will be informed of any class cancellation two hours in advance of class (arising from the instructor’s illness or other extenuating circumstances). All canceled classes will be made up: the make-up day/time is determined by consensus of the whole group (instructor and enrolled students).

Student Assessment –AUA Extension courses use in-class or online tests to assess student learning progress.  

Instructor Assignment – AUA Extension students are not given the privilege of choosing their instructor. Instructors are assigned to teach courses based on their qualifications, knowledge, experience, and past performance.

Class evaluation – AUA Extension students will be asked to evaluate the instructor and the course at the end of each course. Students are encouraged to treat these evaluations with utmost importance, sincerity, and responsibility. Evaluations are an integral part of the course review and continuous quality improvement process. Moreover, students should feel free to share their observations or concerns, if any, with the Office of Extension even before the course concludes.      

Classroom Codes of Conduct

The fundamental purpose of AUA Extension is to develop and deliver high quality continuing education and professional development in various knowledge areas. AUA Extension students are expected to act professionally and strive to promote the health, safety, and welfare of others, and protect University property and the rights of the entire AUA community, as a member of which, students have the responsibility to support its mission of creating a safe learning environment in which all students are given equal opportunity to thrive and succeed.

AUA Extension classroom codes of conduct:

  • Arrive on time
  • Respect peers and instructor(s)
  • Uphold academic integrity and ethical behavior
  • Accept constructive criticism
  • Refrain from sidebar conversations or excessive interruptions during class
  • Be attentive at all times
  • Participate actively and contribute to class discussions
  • Refrain from use of electronic devices (including headphones and mobile
  • devices)
  • Refrain from eating and drinking in class
  • Refrain from speaking out of turn or interrupting others during class
  • Care for University furniture and equipment
  • Refrain from smoking anywhere on campus